Date Ideas | Stacey Marble Photography

Date Ideas

And a flashback of photos of younger versions of me & Travis

1. Dinner & a movie
Mock all you want, I still like this date idea. Granted, we generally only do this on our anniversary, and maybe one other time during the year. But I always enjoy it when we do. (Who doesn't love not cooking dinner?)

2. Go to an Arcade
The one we have in Logan is a little less than stellar, but if you live elsewhere, it might be more fun! Let out the little kid in you and play some games to win some tickets to buy a box of swedish fish!

3. Go on a hike
Enjoy the beautiful scenery near where you live, and do it together!

4. Bike ride
If you can't tell, I'm all about fun exercise. :) Find a trail nearby, or bike to get a treat. You could even try a tandem bike! It just might be harder than you think...

5. Ice cream
I'm also a fan of treats. So even if you're not an ice cream person, or are allergic, go for something else! We've got places like the crepery, waffle iron, donut & cupcake shops, ect. in Logan. 

6. Bowling
Honestly, I feel like this is a better group dating thing, but it's fun to go see how bad you are once a year, right?

7. Game night
This can be fun just the two of you, or with a group! We meet up with a few friends about once a month for a game night and it's one of my favorite things!

8. Go see a play
This is a favorite of ours for sure. We go see the plays at the nice theater in town, as well as the high school productions around town. 

9. Make some art
Travis and I used to make a piece of art for our home every year. There's plenty ideas of diy pieces on pinterest, or just get creative!

10. Practice a Hobby
Travis used to have us go on walks and would make me take my camera so I could practice taking photos. It was a stretch for me because I generally take photos of people, so trying to make things interesting in a photo didn't come naturally. We also spent a few evenings taking night shots and messing with long exposures, and both had a great time.

11. Go on a picnic
Be it sandwiches, a $5 dollar pizza or take-out from your favorite restaurant--go enjoy lunch or dinner at a park nearby. You can even take kids on this one if you have to. ;)

12. Bake something/have a bake-off
Are you a Great British Baking Show fan? Have a little contest of your own at home!

13. Miniature Golfing
I may be too competitive for this one, but it's fun anyway.

14. Play a sport
Do you have a favorite? Want to learn a new one? Play with your spouse! Travis told me he's willing to give Pickleball a try and I'm beyond excited to have a sport to play with him.

15. Find something unique to do together!
The first summer Travis & I were married there were 12 of these bulls placed around Logan. We decided to spend a few evenings getting a photo with all of them. Whenever we didn't have anything to do, we'd go do that, and we had a blast!

16. Go swimming/hot-tubbing
Travis taught me how to swim without plugging my nose, not that I'm any good at it, but it was fun to work on a new skill with a teacher I adore.


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